
Ciclo de Conferências | Marta Marques – “Using behavioral science to tackle global health challenges: what, why and how”

25 Novembro 2021 - 12:30h

Auditório 1

No âmbito do Ciclo de conferências ISPA – 2021/2022, Marta Marques (Comprehensive Health Research Centre, NOVA Medical School; Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; University College London, UK; Ispa – Instituto Universitário), dará uma palestra com o título “Using behavioral science to tackle global health challenges: what, why and how“.

Host: Maria João Gouveia

Entrada livre

Resumo da conferência

The COVID-19 pandemic brought behavioural sciences to the spotlight, due to the core role of individual and societal protective behaviours. Behavioral sciences have much to contribute to tackling current global health (and planetary) challenges, by providing systematic methods of intervention development, developing classification systems to describe what is within behavioural interventions, and moving towards dynamic and adaptive approaches to behaviour change. In this talk, I will provide an overview of the most promising multidisciplinary research that is being conducted in this topic, providing practical examples of its applications to e.g. the COVID-19 pandemic, and in the context of digital technologies.

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