
Ciclo de Conferências | Hod Orkibi – “Arts-Based Programs for Community Rehabilitation of People with Mental Health Conditions”

08 Novembro 2022 - 16:30h

Auditório 1 (Ispa)

No âmbito do Ciclo de Conferências, o professor Hod Orkibi (School of Creative Arts Therapies, University of Haifa, Israel / MA in drama therapy, New York University, NY, USA) vai dar uma palestra com o título “Arts-Based Programs for Community Rehabilitation of People with Mental Health Conditions”.

Host: António Gonzalez (APPsyCI – Applied Psychology Research Center Capabilities and Inclusion)

Entrada livre


The presentation will focus on research of two arts-based programs for the rehabilitation of people with mental health conditions (MHCs) in the community. One program is a nationwide integrated arts-based groups program of Amitim, which aims to promote personal recovery and reduce self-stigma in individuals with MHCs, while also reducing public stigma in non-clinical community members. The second program is the Garage, a pre-academic program for young adults with artistic abilities and MHCs, design to promote their integration into arts-related education and work. The presentation includes illustrating video segments. Both programs are supported by the Israel National Insurance.

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